Yamatji Businesses - The Gifts That Keep on Giving

The Hamper Project is an initiative of YSRC's Business Development Unit team, and which has been generously funded by Beach Energy Ltd to showcase the incredible diversity and talents of Yamatji businesses and to invest in them the simplest way possible - by buying 👏 what 👏 they're 👏 selling 👏

Each hamper contains products made by Yamatji businesses operating across the country – from coffee beans, artwork and jewellery, to books and artisan wood work, the hampers are just a taste of the business expertise on offer from Yamatji country.

YSRC is incredibly proud to support Yamatji businesses, and partnering with Beach Energy has helped us do that in a very tangible – and beautiful! - way. Thank you so much to the team at Beach Energy, and to our incredible Yamatji businesses, for making this project possible.

Hampers will be gifted to Yamatji businesses who receive BDU support – but don't you think they'd be awesome for all your gifting needs?!


New Article on LinkedIn: Empowerment Through Partnership


Yamatji Business Register launched!