Australia's biggest cucumber farm to create legacy for traditional owners

The country's largest cucumber farm will be developed in Western Australia as part of a joint venture between traditional owners and an established Australian horticultural company. Cucumber farmer 4 Ways Fresh Produce has signed an agreement with Indigenous Business Australia and Yamatji Enterprises Limited (YEL), an economic entity of the Yamatji Southern Regional Corporation.Yamatji Southern was founded after a historic $500 million native title determination and settlement agreement with the WA government in 2020. The partnership between YEL and 4 Ways Fresh will see 4 Ways Fresh's existing 300 greenhouses, just south of Geraldton, expanded to 600 tunnels.
  • A joint venture will see Australia's largest cucumber farm built near Geraldton.
  • 4 Ways Fresh Produce will farm with Yamatji Enterprise Limited under the brand Yamatji Fresh Produce.
  • Indigenous leaders say the joint venture will leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.
  • The groups will farm together under the brand Yamatji Fresh Produce.
4 Ways general manager Kingsley Songer said the project would be developed in stages, with 125 greenhouses to be built next year on land recently purchased by traditional owners.He said the joint venture company would plant 400 greenhouses with cucumbers to make it the largest producer in Australia, but would also consider growing other crops such as eggplant, tomatoes, and capsicum to fill national supply gaps.Cucumber FarmYamatji Enterprise Limited chair Fred Taylor and Four Ways Fresh Produce general manager Kingsley Songer.

Leaving a legacy

YEL chair Fred Taylor said the partnership was the first to be announced by the Yamatji Southern Regional Corporation and would create continued wealth for traditional owners.Story and photo credit - ABC Midwest & Wheatbelt Joanna Prendergast


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