
Yamatji Land Estate

The Yamatji Land Estate (YLE) represents a significant component of the Yamatji Nation Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) which recognised the Yamatji Nation’s traditional connection to the land and waters across the 48,000 km2 agreement area. Though we also know and recognise that these connections extend well beyond the ILUA boundaries and connect with country and culture throughout Western Australia and beyond. The ILUA recognised non-exclusive native title rights which include the “right to live and camp on the land, visit and maintain sites of significance hunt, fish, take resources, conduct ceremonies and invite others onto this land.”

The Yamatji Land Estate (Schedule 11) is made up of different types of property (see table below), including:

  • Aboriginal Lands Trust and Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Properties (i.e. Boomerang, Carnamah Eneabba Road and Swan Drive Properties).
  • Commercial and Industrial land including Lot 601, Bluff Point, Narngulu (5%) and Oakajee (six lots) and ten Government Regional Officers Housing (GROH) properties.
  • Up to 75 residential properties from the Housing Authority (total depends on which houses are selected)
  • Up to 49% interest in the proposed Karloo and Beachlands developments by the Department of Housing (total depends on the mix of development and existing housing selected).
  • 134,000 hectares of reserves, some of which can be converted to freehold and some with the ability to lease. Approx. 57% of reserves are unable to be leased.
Tenure Type Parcels Hectares Parcels* Hectares
Freehold 24 27
Conditional Freehold 18 14624
Reserve with power to lease 795 55939
Reserve without power to lease 68 77340
Reserves with option to convert to freehold 461 1166
Totals 1366 149096
*Note the number of land parcels changes overtime through amalgamations.

Maps of the Yamatji Land Estate

  • Category 1 Lands (those identified and accepted in the ILUA)
  • Economic Development Land
  • Native Title Areas
  • Remaining Yamatji Land Estate

Making Progress on the Yamatji Land Estate (YLE)

The process of transferring the YLE is slow and complicated, with many due diligence steps to ensure that each parcel of land will deliver real benefits to the Yamatji Nation. This includes a negotiation of the terms of each parcel so we can be sure that the property is useable and not impaired by pollution or restrictive conditions. This process is presented in the diagram below.

As of September 2022, the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage has presented all 1363 land parcels to the Land Transfer Working Group, completing stage 1.  While the majority of these have been (or are about to be) formally accepted, there are approximately 100 land parcels that require further investigation and negotiation. In the next phase, before land is accepted, YSRC will engage widely with the Yamatji Nation, including through the Cultural Committees, to ensure all voices are heard, and right people for right country are involved in decision-making process for the Yamatji Land Estate.