
Yamatji Water Reserve (YWR)

The Yamatji Peoples strong connection to water was also recognised in the ILUA (Clause 17), with specific recognition of the spiritual relationship of the Yamatji Nation with water.

The water component is comprised of four main parts.

  1. A water monitoring training program through the Geraldton TAFE and the Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER) supported by a dedicated $455, 000 fund, with a potential $900,000 of service contracts for DWER to employ qualified water monitors.
  2. A water sites restoration project, with $311,840 to identify, restore and protect cultural sites.
  3. A full-time Aboriginal Liaison Officer at DWER
  4. A strategic Yamatji water reserve consisting of 25 gigalitres per year was created, providing for the use or trade of the water to create opportunity and/or economic return for the Yamatji Nation. YSRC is currently developing a Yamatji Water Strategy that will be guided by engagement with the community, cultural committees, the cultural authority and YSRC entities. The strategy and development of the water reserve are funded by a dedicated $20 million fund. (Schedule 10) [insert Groundwater Areas image]

As of September 2022, there are Yamatji people employed for the Aboriginal Liaison Officer position and for the two water monitoring positions. Both the water sites restoration project and a Yamatji Water Strategy are in the initial phase with wider consultation with the Yamatji Community planned in 2023.