We have a single-door point of contact for you on anything you wish to discuss with YSRC, heritage, engagement, reinvestment etc. 

Your first point of contact will be our YSRC Proponent Coordinator, and we can work through your requirements and how we can work together proactively - email proponent@ysrc.com.au  

With 140+ proponents and agencies working in the Mid West, we hope to give you a clear pathway for engagement and operations.  

Heritage Activity Notices should continue to be lodged via the Heritage Mailbox heritagemailbox@ysrc.com.au  

Consultation and Engagement

Proponents interested in consultation and engagement with the Cultural Committees and Cultural Authority are requested to contact us.

There are 4 Cultural Committees, comprising of 6 members representing the Hutt River, Southern Yamatji, Widi Mob and Mullewa Wadjari claim groups. Collectively all 4 committees form the Cultural Authority.  We have a standard fee schedule for specific meetings/engagements. 

However, we encourage you to meet with the Staff at YSRC first so we can work with you on your requirements. 

From time to time, you may be contacted by individuals or organisations asking you to engage or do business with them, in addition to your connections with YSRC.  

Proponents should always engage through YSRC, as we work nationwide.  No payments or contracts should be made with any individual identity group within the ILUA area.