Heritage Obligations

When a proponent (e.g., mining company) applies for a license, tenement, or agreement in the Yamatji Nation area, the Yamatji Southern Regional Corporation (YSRC) receives a notification from various Government Departments regarding the new tenement or works area. The proponent must then enter a Yamatji Proponent Standard Heritage Survey Agreement (YPSHA) once the tenement or license is issued. 

Once a proponent signs up for a YPSHA, they can complete minor impact activities without providing YSRC with an Activity Notice. However, for activities involving low to high levels of ground disturbance, proponents are required to submit an Activity Notice. If they wish to enter any Aboriginal Heritage Site identified on the AHIS system (Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage), they must comply with the required procedures. 

For further information on YPSHAs, refer to YN ILUA – Schedule 17 in the Yamatji Nation Indigenous Land Use Agreement.

To access YPSHAs, Activity Notices and information related to the Yamatji Nation Indigenous Land Use Agreement please access with this LINK

Process Once an Activity Notice is Fully Executed 

  1. Submission of Activity Notice: The proponent submits an Activity Notice, detailing the proposed activity and location. YSRC sends this notice to our Heritage Service Provider for technical and/or specialist advice. All discussions with proponents must occur through the YSRC Heritage team. 

  2. Due Diligence Assessment: The YSRC Heritage Team conducts due diligence assessments and, if necessary, forwards the Activity Notice to the relevant Cultural Committee for the area. The Cultural Committee provides advice on managing heritage in relation to the activity. This could include allowing the work to proceed, providing monitors for ground disturbance, or undertaking further investigation such as a site walkover via a Heritage Survey. 

  3. Developing an Approach: In collaboration with the Cultural Committee and our Heritage Service Provider, an approach is determined. YSRC then informs the proponent about the required survey/monitoring and provides a cost estimate. 

  4. Proponent Agreement: Once the proponent agrees with the approach and costs, the Cultural Committee nominates the appropriate individuals for the survey or monitoring project. As of January 1, 2024, all Yamatji Heritage Advisors must complete required onboarding documentation. 

  5. Nomination and Contact: The relevant Cultural Committee provides the names for the survey or monitoring. These names cannot be changed without approval from YSRC and the relevant Cultural Committee. YSRC contacts the nominated individuals at least three times before moving on to reserve members until all positions are filled. Any required site-specific paperwork must be submitted within 48 hours to avoid denial of entry for shifts. 

  6. Survey/Monitoring Program: Qualified Yamatji Heritage Advisors complete the survey/monitoring program with the proponent. The Heritage Service Provider then writes the Heritage Survey Report and submits it to both the proponent and the YSRC Heritage Team, who ensure that any recommendations are implemented when the work commences. 

How To Sign Up For Heritage Work

YSRC is committed to providing a healthy and hazard-free environment by minimizing all preventable factors related to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and taxation obligations. We aim to ensure that Yamatji Heritage Advisors provide a professional Cultural Heritage service, meaning that we are all well, fit for work, and comply with relevant standards for insurance, taxation, and financial obligations. 

To safely participate in Cultural Heritage monitoring and surveys, please complete the following onboarding documentation: 

  • Qualifications: Provide as many of your qualifications upfront. Members who are pre-qualified will be listed for the Cultural Committee to consider for nominations. 

  • Onboarding Form: Complete the Expression of Interest form below. You may complete these online or print and upload the completed form. We can assist in completing the forms. 

  • Honest Answers: Answer all questions honestly and provide any necessary information to ensure you are qualified as a Yamatji Heritage Advisor as soon as possible. 

  • Contact Information: Keep your contact information up to date with the YSRC Heritage Team to avoid missing out on work opportunities. 

All Yamatji Heritage Advisors' names are recorded in a spreadsheet shared with the relevant Cultural Committees. Only those who commence the qualification process will be rotated to ensure that everyone gets some heritage work. We aim to ensure that the right people speak for the right country. Provide as much information as possible when applying for heritage work to allow the Cultural Committees to make informed decisions.  


Fill out the Expression of Interest form here.

If you would prefer to complete a hard copy of the form, you may download a copy below to print and complete. Please note that you will then have to upload the form to submit it, or post it to PO Box 552, Geraldton WA 6531.

Download, print and complete the form.

Upload the completed hard copy form.