Joint Management Body

The Joint Management Body is made up of 8 representatives from the 4 claim groups. Their role is to work with YSRC and DBCA on the Yamatji Conservation Estate. 

For more information on the Yamatji Conservation Estate click here

The Joint Management Body, or JMB as we call it, ensures that cultural governance and cultural decisions are included in the future management of the conservation estate. 

The JMB has been meeting 4 times a year over the last 12 months and they have been working on issues such as: 

  • Conservation Estate Management 

  • Joint Management Plan Process 

The JMB members take guidance from their community and cultural committee in ensuring cultural decisions are a part of the management plan. 

The members have been appointed to the end of the development of the overarching management plan for the Conservation Estate.  This will take about 3 years and will guide future management of the large number of reserves under joint management. 

If a person resigns from the JMB, the relevant cultural committee will be asked to nominate a replacement. 

The current members on the JMB include: 

  • Hutt River

    Barbara Stoeckel-Clayton

    Paul Yeti Eley 

  • Mullewa Wadjari

    Glenda Jackamarra

    Leedham Papertalk

  • Southern Yamatji

    Lee-Anne Taylor

    Norman Little

  • Widi Mob

    Darryl Fogarty

    Julie Lewis